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Dr. Mike Mabe
Dr. Kendra Fennessey
Assistant Superintendent CIA
Dr. Dan Kania
Assistant Superintendent Operations
Dr. Justin Tarte
Executive Director of Human Resources
Michelle Fink
Director of Finance
Amy Orscheln
Director of Special Education
Dustin Bailey
Coordinator of Student Services
Kristi Gerling
Director of Health and Education Services
Amanda Sullivan
Student Information Data Specialist
Brian Baeres
Director of Maintenance and Custodial
Josh Broeker
Assistant Director of Maintenance and Custodial
Matt Jones
Director of Technology
Bob Vondera
Director of Transportation
Lauren Brake
District Data Coordinator/School Board Secretary
Kristy Hulsey
Benefits Specialist
Nickie Voss
Human Resources Specialist
Angela Pyatt
Payroll Specialist
Rose Voss
Accounts Payable Specialist
Food Service
Dan Hall
Network Administrator