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Dr. Kendra Fennessey
Assistant Superintendent CIA
Office Personnel
Sally Phillips
Early Childhood Special Education and PAT Coordinator
Early Childhood Special Education
Claire Alfermann
Heather Alferman
Psychological Examiner
Jennifer Bright
ECSE Teacher
Early Childhood Special Education
Danielle Cooper
Central Preschool Assistant
Donna Dillon
Prairie Dell Preschool Paraprofessional
Early Childhood Special Education
Laura Heide
ECSE Paraprofessional
Early Childhood Special Education
Amy Hellmann
ECSE Paraprofessional
Early Childhood Special Education
Lori Helms
ECSE Paraprofessional
Early Childhood Special Education
Melissa Kopp
Occupational Therapist
Early Childhood Special Education
Olivia Luelf
Becky Metts
ECSE Teacher
Early Childhood Special Education
Bobbie Meyer
Central Preschool Teacher
Jordan Monehan
BE Preschool Paraprofessional
Nadine Nguyen
ECSE Teacher
Early Childhood Special Education
Ashley Pratt
Beaufort Preschool Teacher
Jamie Puetz
Prairie Dell Preschool Teacher
Kathryn Riegel
ECSE Clerk
Office Personnel
Tiffany Sherwood
Parent Educator
Parents as Teachers
636-583-1202 ext 2031